Monday 19 March 2012

Voices 2

At the moment the voices are playing havoc with me. I have a variety of voices, two main ones but sometimes I have a whole crowd and that's what it sounds like right now, a crowd, too many voices babbling away at once. I can pick out individual words sometimes but mainly it just sounds like white noise jabbering on and on.

Occasionally I have a running commentary whilst I am doing something but that's not that often; mostly my main two voices are telling me to do things or what a terrible person I am, sometimes it is just gibberish like "shoe pepper".

I don't have voices all the time and I can have voice free days but these are rare.

Sometimes I let the voices win and they can have a small victory but mostly I don't do as they say, if I did I'd be dead by now.

When the voices get too much there are things I can do to distract myself, today I have walked the dog, and done some cleaning to distract myself, right now I am blogging.

It's not as awful or as serious as some people think being a voice hearer, lots of people hear voices and don't have any psychiatric history at all. In some cultures voice hearing is seen as magical and sacred. I suppose that it becomes wearing when the voices are derogatory all the time. I am working towards changing my relationship with my voices but it's hard work at times.

I'll write more about voices later.

Reading this back it seems a little disjointed - Sorry.

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