Friday 23 March 2012

Psych Appointment 2

Well my psych appointment had good and bad points, let's be positive and talk about the good first - in a mutual conversation about my psych appointments we both decided it would be a good idea to cut them down a bit. So next appointment is going to be two weeks but the one after is going to be three weeks! So good result there.

Before then we had talked about my alcohol intake - it's too much - a bottle of wine a day. Not spirits but wine but then again it's far too much - about ten units a day which is seventy per week - far too much. I don't think I'm dependent yet but that I guess is only a drink away so I need to cut down or stop.


  1. You've been tagged!! Receive your tag and pass it along here...

    Feel good,

    The Quiet Borderline

  2. My first comment - Thanks - I replied to your tag on your post
