Thursday 15 March 2012


Thought I would post a little bit on hearing voices, I once posted on Mental Nurse so if it seems you read this before maybe it was there.

Hearing voices is weird, I am sure it is different for every voice hearer. I hear voices that are spoken, they are not in my head or anything, they are outside just below my right ear. What is it like? It is like hearing someone speak to you, someone separate and different from you, but then again it is a thousand voices all vying to be heard. Imagine if you will someone speaking to you, maybe explaining the theory of quantum physics, they are right in front of you, you can see the perspiration on their top lip, you can hear them clearly, now imagine someone behind you, just to the right, saying you are worthless, a blot on the landscape, useless; that's what hearing voices is like, imagine it all at once.

Oh OK that's not clear, it doesn't make sense, imagine again the roar of the greasepaint, the smell of the crowd; that's somewhere close, somewhere near, it's all and nothing all at once and all together.

I have coping strategies, things I can do; take a hot bath, listen to music, take a brisk walk, watch a film, cut myself slowly, and they work or not - sometimes I just have to ride it out.

Does that make sense?


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